June 26, 2020

Product of the Day with 21,500 page-views in 48 hours

With just 7 days of work, we've got on TOP #3 products on Product Hunt.

I will start with the result, in less then 48 hours we count +6,100 unique users and +21,500 page-views with avg. session duration of 2:30 mins over time on FontInLogo.

7 days is all we needed to brainstorm, sketch, design, get the domain fontinlogo.com, develop and publish the platform online.

We just launched FontInLogo platform two days ago, and as you might think we've submitted our product on Product Hunt (read about PH below).


What is Product Hunt?

PH is a website that lets users share and discover new products. The site, which was founded by Ryan Hoover in November 2013, is backed by Y Combinator. Users submit products, which are listed in a linear format by day. The site includes a comments system and a voting system similar to Hacker News or Reddit.


We were overloaded with great feedback, likes and shares on social media because let's face it, we've all been there searching for the right font and having no idea where to start, that's why Font in Logo was the right niche helping a lot of people with a straight forward solution by providing a list of +150 well-known brands.


#3 Product of the Day ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Font In Logo - Product of the Day on Product Hunt
Font in Logo - Search the logo, find the font | Product Hunt Embed


Staying #1 most of the day and ending as #3 product of the day with +1050 upvotes and +60 comments and feedback, we are delighted and proud that we are giving our best to help and encourage people around us.


We are trying to help the community, funny enough we need the communities to do so ๐Ÿค” You can help by submitting a brand with its font details or just simply asking for any missing brand, we'll do our best to add it. Submit the logo-font here.

If you are wondering what's the price for using FontInLogo ... itโ€™s FREE and at your disposal.


Demystify Famous Brand Fonts with FontInLogo

This was the title one of the most famous collective of of individual writers (abdz.) gave it to our product when publishing it. To be honest this was the greatest description of our product we could ever think of.


Done is better than perfect

Last but not least, the maxim "Done is better than perfect" pushed us finish what we started in only 7 days and as a result we kick the product out there without hesitation. This is the lesson we will take with us whenever we would go for "niche product ideas"... stay tuned, more is coming.

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